Friday, December 23, 2011


“Thieves robbed homes based on Facebook(FB), Social media sites”, reads the headline of a news report published on WMUR website of the state of New Hampshire – USA on 9 September 2010. This article outlined several cases of robberies where goods worth of about $200,000 were stolen from different houses based on the FB status updates which conveyed the necessary information to break in a house.

Many of us seem to enjoy the weirdness of getting ‘naked’ on the FB wall. Posting and revealing personal stuffs or ‘to-do-list’ on Facebook wall ultimately convey the required information for someone to break in to your house or to plot something of his/her interest against you. Despite these facts many of us pretentiously spread out our daily menus and agendas on the wall of FB.

In our culture it is odd and awkward to express romance or deepest feelings to ‘lovers’, partners, husbands and wives publicly. Though culturally odd, good and creditable changes can still be introduced or practiced against culture. I am just trying to convince myself how exulting it is to display the deepest feelings to the loved ones, especially those between husband and wife on FB status bar which is in a way a public notice board. Wouldn’t it be true or touching if you say ‘love you baby’ or ‘ummmmahh’ or whatever it is through a private message. Shouldn’t there be a fair limitation to some of our words and statements although it’s our right to write on the status bar? Or is it that expressing romance publicly is a degree of love few people could attain? I do know that FB’s admin is active in ‘moderating’ the whole thing the way they want it.

The following conversation which I saw from the FB page ‘Purity Starts here’ hooked my attention and triggered me to ponder upon the weight of a publicly and secretly said ‘I love you’.

Husband to his wife: “ I want you to say: ‘I love you’, In front of the whole world”....wife  approached her beloved husband, and whispered in his ear ‘I love you’….husband, turned to her and said sadly : “Why did not you say it to the whole world?"
Wife replied: "Because you are the whole world to me"

I guess it is better to limit FB’s status updates to the extent and degree that we don’t mess up our safety and relationship with our show off attitude. Every problem is not to be facebooked, but to be faced and tackled by you.