Wednesday, February 24, 2010

You may not drink it, but?!?!

“You don’t have to drink it although they sell it”, “The government is not going to make it mandatory for every Maldivians to drink it. So what is the problem?” This is how those who support the government to permit the sale of alcohol in Maldivian islands try to justify their policy.

The first statement sounds like saying that “You don’t have to smell it although I fart at your face” or “You don’t have to smoke although they sell cigarettes”. Those of us who don’t smoke are passive smokers for the reason that we live and mingle with active smokers. So although you don’t drink or the government doesn’t make it mandatory for us to drink, doesn’t mean that you will be free from the problems caused by the alcohol.

Alcohol is a depressant drug which in high quantities can cause unconsciousness and even death. Frequent and high level alcohol consumers face uncountable health problems including strokes, cancer, vascular and liver diseases. If you are not a drinker you may be free from these problems.

But a large proportion of alcohol related calamities contribute disability and death through accidents, violence, suicide and homicide. When drunk, you are more likely to indulge in sex, extreme verbal and physical abuse. Remember it’s not only alcohol drinkers who become the victims of these accidents and violence. Many innocent people have become the victims of the drinkers in Countries where they allow drinking.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics Alcohol is the second largest cause of drug-related deaths and hospitalisations in Australia after tobacco and it’s the main cause of deaths on Australian roads. The estimated economic cost of alcohol misuse to the Australian community in 1998 to 1999 was estimated to be about AUS $7.6 billion. This is the situation of a developed Country where they have proper law enforcement capabilities.

Now imagine our present situation. Although it’s illegal, even now many people manage to get alcohol beverages in our society. Illegal sexual activities, street fights and raping has become a part of this small community. Many youths are desperate to get some form of intoxication whether it’s Dunlop, Cologne, Kerosene etc. Government doesn’t have proper law enforcement capabilities. So where would we end up if the road for intoxication is made easier than now?

What trust is this man – Adhil Saleem talking about? He better first face the public with the truth regarding his sexual scandals and the recent guest house story. I know that he can’t be Tiger Wood, but at least let us know who you really are.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


James Cameron’s last film ‘Avatar’ is on its way to triumph over his best feature film and the king of the cinemas ‘Titanic’. The film named after the largest, most advanced and luxurious ship of its time, which failed to complete its first voyage under the captaincy of E.J. Smith. Why did the experienced captain who was about to retire failed? It’s not only your qualification and experience that take you to success.

Whatever the way you define the word ‘fail’, it would show lack of performance, motivation, preparation, effectiveness and sufficiency in doing a certain job. Being unable to complete a job within a given time is a more specific way to describe the word ‘fail’ and it has taken account of an important factor-time which has to be kept in mind when talk about ‘fail’. Completing a 2 hour exam within 3 hour doesn’t make you pass. Bringing 5-10 years progress within 30 years doesn’t make you a leader.

Every now and then we hear and see DRP and PA members defining the present government as failed and disabled making their statement an old chestnut. Maumoon and his cronies have had ultimate power for 30 whole years, but did nothing close to what they could have done within that much time, and now go on rebuking the present government who is just 1 year old. How truthful, loyal and logical would be these people who label the new government as a disabled dummy? Can you imagine the development that could be brought within 30 years to a small country like Maldives who has been having a high per capita GDP for years? Don’t you think 30 years is even enough for Maumoon to reclaim another island nation called Maldives from Indian Ocean and bring it to the present standard or even to a better standard?

Despite being a failure, he still manages to be on the horizon, not because he is credited like Lee Kuan Yew or Mahathir Mohamed. Didn’t Suharto and Augusto Pimochet have supporters during their days? Didn’t Robert Mugabe have supporters? Many aged people are caught in the spell of him thinking that he is a pious man. This is the best way I can define the two major groups of people who still support him.

Yes, in politics there will be oppositions and we really need them, but not old rotten eggs. Don’t you think Maumoon and his cronies have had enough chances to take us to the sky they promised? They have had their chips. When someone else is trying to do the 2 hour exam you failed to do within the time doesn’t mean he is the failure, you are the failure. When someone else is trying to bring the progress Maumoon failed to bring within 30 years doesn’t mean he is the failure, Maumoon is the failure. Maumoon and his cronies are the obvious failures. So don’t try to be a dog in the manger, sit aside with the bit of luck you guys already have got. Those who have cut down a 30 year old tree will know very well how to cut down a much younger one when the time comes.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Be happy, let bygones be bygones

How often do you wish that you have never done it, something you have done in the past? How often do you wish if you could undo or edit your life, restarting back from a certain point in the past? No matter how strong is your wish, how deep is your anguish, the past can’t be changed.

Yet it is innate to have such wishes for the reason that neither can you have a past without mistakes nor can you get rid of mistakes in the future. Mistakes happen in spite of who you are. Who expected Jesse Jackson and Tiger Wood, who stand on their dignities to get caught in sex scandals? Successors are those who take mistakes as lessons of wisdom, obstacles as opportunities, not as consternations with regret.

How hardly a disaster strikes, how destructive it is, how desperate you are, remember, it too shall pass as 26th December 2004 had. At dreadful moments, it is normal for you to wonder if you will ever make it, if you will ever reach your goal, if your life will ever be the same or better than before, if it is really worth to go through all the pain and suffering while you are unaware about the final outcome. Yes, this is the life of this world. Happiness, worries, sadness are a part of human life. Solution is to get strengthened, encouraged and empowered in front of the unpredictable future ahead, not to harbor meaningless wishes for a life without trouble. If the door in front of you is closed, another opens, so don’t wait there looking at the closed one in despair.

You don’t necessarily need to have the best of everything for you to be happy, just move with the flow of your life, taking happiness as a journey, not as a destination. Remember, when your friend finishes a 3 hour exam within 1 hour doesn’t mean he or she would score better than you. When your friend is not being tested like you are doesn’t mean his or her life is precious or happier than yours. You need to wear his or her shoes for you to know what he or she is up to. Never expect to get mentally or physically matured by getting aged, maturity has more to do with the variety of things you have met and learned in your life.

Take lessons from the past and treasure every moment of your life as much as possible. Let bygones be bygones and happily begin the New Year 1431, 2010 with hopes and inspirations.