Saturday, January 9, 2010


James Cameron’s last film ‘Avatar’ is on its way to triumph over his best feature film and the king of the cinemas ‘Titanic’. The film named after the largest, most advanced and luxurious ship of its time, which failed to complete its first voyage under the captaincy of E.J. Smith. Why did the experienced captain who was about to retire failed? It’s not only your qualification and experience that take you to success.

Whatever the way you define the word ‘fail’, it would show lack of performance, motivation, preparation, effectiveness and sufficiency in doing a certain job. Being unable to complete a job within a given time is a more specific way to describe the word ‘fail’ and it has taken account of an important factor-time which has to be kept in mind when talk about ‘fail’. Completing a 2 hour exam within 3 hour doesn’t make you pass. Bringing 5-10 years progress within 30 years doesn’t make you a leader.

Every now and then we hear and see DRP and PA members defining the present government as failed and disabled making their statement an old chestnut. Maumoon and his cronies have had ultimate power for 30 whole years, but did nothing close to what they could have done within that much time, and now go on rebuking the present government who is just 1 year old. How truthful, loyal and logical would be these people who label the new government as a disabled dummy? Can you imagine the development that could be brought within 30 years to a small country like Maldives who has been having a high per capita GDP for years? Don’t you think 30 years is even enough for Maumoon to reclaim another island nation called Maldives from Indian Ocean and bring it to the present standard or even to a better standard?

Despite being a failure, he still manages to be on the horizon, not because he is credited like Lee Kuan Yew or Mahathir Mohamed. Didn’t Suharto and Augusto Pimochet have supporters during their days? Didn’t Robert Mugabe have supporters? Many aged people are caught in the spell of him thinking that he is a pious man. This is the best way I can define the two major groups of people who still support him.

Yes, in politics there will be oppositions and we really need them, but not old rotten eggs. Don’t you think Maumoon and his cronies have had enough chances to take us to the sky they promised? They have had their chips. When someone else is trying to do the 2 hour exam you failed to do within the time doesn’t mean he is the failure, you are the failure. When someone else is trying to bring the progress Maumoon failed to bring within 30 years doesn’t mean he is the failure, Maumoon is the failure. Maumoon and his cronies are the obvious failures. So don’t try to be a dog in the manger, sit aside with the bit of luck you guys already have got. Those who have cut down a 30 year old tree will know very well how to cut down a much younger one when the time comes.


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