Wednesday, February 24, 2010

You may not drink it, but?!?!

“You don’t have to drink it although they sell it”, “The government is not going to make it mandatory for every Maldivians to drink it. So what is the problem?” This is how those who support the government to permit the sale of alcohol in Maldivian islands try to justify their policy.

The first statement sounds like saying that “You don’t have to smell it although I fart at your face” or “You don’t have to smoke although they sell cigarettes”. Those of us who don’t smoke are passive smokers for the reason that we live and mingle with active smokers. So although you don’t drink or the government doesn’t make it mandatory for us to drink, doesn’t mean that you will be free from the problems caused by the alcohol.

Alcohol is a depressant drug which in high quantities can cause unconsciousness and even death. Frequent and high level alcohol consumers face uncountable health problems including strokes, cancer, vascular and liver diseases. If you are not a drinker you may be free from these problems.

But a large proportion of alcohol related calamities contribute disability and death through accidents, violence, suicide and homicide. When drunk, you are more likely to indulge in sex, extreme verbal and physical abuse. Remember it’s not only alcohol drinkers who become the victims of these accidents and violence. Many innocent people have become the victims of the drinkers in Countries where they allow drinking.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics Alcohol is the second largest cause of drug-related deaths and hospitalisations in Australia after tobacco and it’s the main cause of deaths on Australian roads. The estimated economic cost of alcohol misuse to the Australian community in 1998 to 1999 was estimated to be about AUS $7.6 billion. This is the situation of a developed Country where they have proper law enforcement capabilities.

Now imagine our present situation. Although it’s illegal, even now many people manage to get alcohol beverages in our society. Illegal sexual activities, street fights and raping has become a part of this small community. Many youths are desperate to get some form of intoxication whether it’s Dunlop, Cologne, Kerosene etc. Government doesn’t have proper law enforcement capabilities. So where would we end up if the road for intoxication is made easier than now?

What trust is this man – Adhil Saleem talking about? He better first face the public with the truth regarding his sexual scandals and the recent guest house story. I know that he can’t be Tiger Wood, but at least let us know who you really are.

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